Saturday, March 30, 2013

Update on my projects.

With the warmer weather i have started more projects. View the pictures.

For the knives the kurki came in the big bulky monster sheath and I made a lightweight and faster sheath.
The second smaller blade is my favorite blade and the sheath it came with was useless. I can hang up side down with it..

The holster for my LC9 has gotten a couple more evolutions to it from pictured in the raw formate. The image of the pistol hanging is the current version. I added a strap then didn't like the strap so removed it.

Why is it hanging?
I want quick access to it and the home Defense shotgun so they are placed so I can grab them.
The pistol is suspended using heavy duty magnets. And hung in the center of my safe. I also have a similar system for my pickup.

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